an arcade game where you go around in a circle and collect things depending on your state and personality
photosensitive warning: the game contains flashing backgrounds and high contrast
instructions: go left or right, pick up stuff, stay vigilant
this was one of the first videogame designs I came up with and left in the sea of abandoned prototypes many years ago, only to be recreated and refined on a long week-end for the #stopwaitingforgodot jam
special thanks for Terry Cavanagh for inspiring the choice of trying out Godot and also for inspiring many choices prior to that
apparently the browser version is a bit glitchy/laggy under some browser or machines, if you like the game consider downloading it as the desktop version is smoother.
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This is a neat game! Took a little bit to realize how the scoring works in first mode as the instinct is to not touch any obstacles.
thank you! I sure need to add more hints and descriptions for modes.